Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) .
The Mn2+ ions substitute for the Cd 2+ ions in this tetragonal chalcopyrite lattice, and form "deep" isoelectronic centers. Their g values and crystal-field parameters are g ║ = 2.0025, g ⊥ = 2.0011, D = 118.8 MHz, a + 2/3F = 18.4 MHz, and a = −0.3 MHz. The hyperfine and nuclear electric quadrupole parameters for the 55 Mn nucleus are A ║ = −154.94 MHz, A ⊥ = −155.69 MHz, and P = 0.622 MHz. Hyperfine parameters for one set of nearby Cd nuclei and two sets of nearby As nuclei were also determined using ENDOR. No evidence was found in these doped bulk crystals to suggest that Mn 4+ ions substitute for Ge 4+ ions.