KYOII SHINSAKA, JEAN-POL DODELET, and GORDON R. FREEMAN. Can. J. Chem. 53,2714 (1975.Penetration ranges bGP of secondary electrons into 21 X-irradiated liquids were estimated from measured free ion yields. The density normalized ranges bcpd are independent of temperature. Increasing the molecular symmetry by creating one or more cycles in the molecule causes the normalized range to increase, provided that the amount of bond distortion due to strain remains small. Ranges are smaller in compounds that contain strained rings. Energy transfer from the secondary electrons to the molecules is enhanced by the presence of distorted bonds in the molecules. The ranges in olefins are affected by the same factors as those in saturated hydrocarbons, with the addition of a contribution of transient negative ion states to the energy transfer processes. Shielding the double bond by methyl groups is not effective; the effect of the added methyl groups on the molecular symmetry is a more important factor. The magnitude of the energy transfer interaction is an inverse function of molecular symmetry.The general correlation between bGp and thermal electron mobilities u. in liquids contains significant variations within it. For a given value of bGp, u, in different liquids increases in the order n-alkane < cycloalkane < cycloalkene < 1,4-cyclohexadiene or benzene. Arrhenius plots of u, in cyclic olefins curve downwards at low temperatures, due to the formation of a deeper trapped state of the electron. The trap is deepest in 1,4-cyclohexadiene (21 kcal/mol) and is attributed to an equilibrium between solvated electrons and anions at temperatures below about280K.KYOJI SHINSAKA, JEAN-POL DODELET et GORDON R. FREEMAN. Can. J. Chem. 53,2714Chem. 53, (1975. Les parcours des electrons secondaires, bGp, ont etk estimes d'aprts les rendements en ions libres mesurks dans 21 liquides irradits aux rayons X. NormalisCs pour la densite, ces parcours, bcpd, deviennent independants de la temperature. Une augmentation de la symktrie molCculaire par cyclisation simple ou multiple entraine une augmentation du parcours normalise, tant que la distorsion des liaisons demeure faible. Un important transfert d'energie des electrons secondaires est realise dans le cas de molCcules a cycle tendu, ce qui reduit le parcours des electrons dans de tels liquides. Les parcours electroniques dans les olefines sont fonction des mCmes facteurs que dans les alcanes, avec en plus la possibilite d'un transfert d'energie via la tendance a former un ion negatif CphCmere. L'addition de groupes mtthyles ne protege pas une double liaison, mais affecte la symetrie moleculaire. L'importance de la quantite d'energie transferee par collision est une fonction inverse de la symktrie moltculaire. La correlation gknerale entre bGP et la mobilitC de I'electron thermique dans les liquides presente une structure fine. Pour une valeur de bGp donnte, u. augmente selon I'ordre suivant: n-alcane < cycloalcane < cycloalctne < cyclohexaditne-1,4 ou benzene. La courbe obtenue en portant u, s...