We propose a novel mechanism for single spin detection based on the 1/f spin current noise. We postulate the 1/f spin noise for the tunneling current, similar to the ubiquitous 1/f noise in magnetic systems. Magnetic coupling between tunneling electrons and localized spin S then leads to the peak at Larmor frequency in the power spectrum of the electric current fluctuations I 2 ω . The elevated noise in the current spectrum will be spatially localized near the magnetic site. The difference in the power spectra taken at the Larmor frequency and elsewhere would reveal the peak in the spectrum. We argue that signal to noise ratio for this mechanism is on the order one.In addition we discuss the asymmetric lineshapes observed regularly with this measurement. We show that such lineshapes are in accordance to the random sampling done with the tunneling electrons. Yet, this predicts a linewidth at least one order of magnitude larger than observed experimentally which is likely to be due to electrostatic repulsion between the tunneling electrons and temporal correlations in the tunneling process.
1/F SPIN NOISEThe phenomenon of 1/f (flicker) noise is known for almost 80 years [1]. It describes the deviation from the flat spectral density expected from a current made of uncorrelated charge carriers -at low frequencies. In this range, the spectral density was found to obey a power law of the form 1/f α where f is the frequency, and α = 0.5 − 1.5. Flicker noise appears in endless number of electronic devices, in music [2] in ocean streams [3,4] and in many entirely different systems. This is one of the most universal phenomena, yet, one of the largest enigmas in physical sciences.An early explanation to this phenomenon was that the 1/f noise can arise from a superposition of relaxation processes [5]. In this model the noise is described as a superposition of consecutive random events, each starts at a certain time t 0 and follow a simple exponential relaxation law: N (t − t 0 ) = N 0 e −(t−t0)/τ . The power spectrum of one such event is a Lorentzian. The power spectrum of a large number of such consecutive random events, all with the same τ is also a Lorentzian. If, on the other hand, there is a distribution of relaxation times P (τ ) ∼ 1/τ , from τ 1 to τ 2 than the overall spectral density will obey a power law ∼ 1/f in the range between τ −1 1 and τ −1 2 . A common denominator to many mechanisms proposed for different 1/f phenomena [6,7] is a distribution of relaxation times.1/f noise is ubiquitous in STM tunneling current although its origins are a source of continuous mystery that is not fully understood until now [8,9,10,11]. Unlike the well known shot noise 1/f noise is proportional to the square of the current such that: I 2 (ω) /I 2 = const. Where I 2 (ω) is the spectral density of current fluctuations (in units of A 2 /Hz) and I is the current. Empirically, the current fluctuations in 1/f noise are known to obey the Hooge formulawhere N are the number of current carriers in the sample and a is of the order of 0....