We present a long-duration (∼10 yr) statistical analysis of the temperatures, plasma betas, and temperature ratios for the electron, proton, and alpha-particle populations observed by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au. The mean (median) scalar temperatures are T e,tot = 12.2(11.9) eV, T p,tot = 12.7(8.6) eV, and T α,tot = 23.9(10.8) eV. The mean (median) total plasma betas are β e,tot = 2.31(1.09), β p,tot = 1.79(1.05), and β α,tot = 0.17(0.05). The mean(median) temperature ratios are (T e /T p ) tot = 1.64(1.27), (T e /T α ) tot = 1.24(0.82), and (T α /T p ) tot = 2.50(1.94). We also examined these parameters during time intervals that exclude interplanetary (IP) shocks, times within the magnetic obstacles (MOs) of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), and times that exclude MOs. The only times that show significant alterations to any of the parameters examined are those during MOs. In fact, the only parameter that does not show a significant change during MOs is the electron temperature. Although each parameter shows a broad range of values, the vast majority are near the median. We also compute particle-particle collision rates and compare to effective wave-particle collision rates. We find that, for reasonable assumptions of wave amplitude and occurrence rates, the effect of wave-particle interactions on the plasma is equal to or greater than the effect of Coulomb collisions. Thus, wave-particle interactions should not be neglected when modeling the solar wind.Key words: plasmas -shock waves -solar wind -Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs)Supporting material: tar.gz file
Background and MotivationUnderstanding the relationship between various macroscopic parameters for the different species of a gas is critical for understanding the evolution and dynamics of said gas. A gas in thermodynamic equilibrium exhibits equal temperatures between all constituent species, i.e., (T s′ /T s ) tot = 1 for s′ ¹ s (see Appendix A for further details and parameter/symbol definitions) and does not allow for heat flow. The phase-space distributions for the constituents of a gas in thermodynamic equilibrium are isotropic, they exhibit no skewness (i.e., heat flux), and they are centered at the same bulk flow velocity. A subtle contrast exists for thermal equilibrium where one still maintains (T s′ /T s ) tot = 1 for s′ ¹ s but this does not require isotropic or uniformly flowing velocity distributions, e.g., one can have heat fluxes or counter-streaming populations (e.g., Hoover 1986; Evans & Morriss 1990). A non-equilibrium gas can exhibit (T s′ /T s ) tot ¹ 1, among other departures from a maximal entropy state. If the temperatures are mass-proportional, i.e., uniform thermal speeds, then the species can be said to have the same velocity distribution (e.g., Ogilvie & Wilkerson 1969).Generally, a gas requires some form of irreversible energy dissipation and transfer between species to reach thermodynamic equilibrium. In the Earth's atmosphere, the primary mechanism is binary particle collisions (e.g., Petschek 1958...