With the increasingly accepted notion that E-region electrostatic plasma waves move at their instability threshold speed when they attain their maximum amplitude, it has become more important to determine just what that threshold speed is supposed to be. An accurate determination requires a calculation of the electron temperature fluctuation level, which can sometimes dramatically influence the results. In this paper, the Grad 8-moment transport equations have been employed with the addition of a generalized electron cooling rate to account for cooling via inelastic collisions, and a general electron volume heating rate that includes frictional heating as a special case. The derived generalized dispersion relation is presented in such a way that a variety of other earlier treatments, including the isothermal and adiabatic limits and an instability associated with electron friction, all fall out transparently, allowing us to easily compare our results with earlier ones while tracking down the physical processes involved. The presentation format is also geared to facilitate the computation of the dispersion relation for the purpose of comparing the theoretical results with observations.