We calculate the electronic transmission coefficient as a function of the incident electron energy in a finite semiconductor superlattice where the width of the barriers is modulated by a numerical sequence taken from the Pascal's Triangle. This sequence is formed by the quantity of odd numbers in each of the Triangle´s rows and has the pattern 1-2-2-4-2-4-4-8-… The sequence has the property of self-similarity. Our superlattice is based in AlAs and GaAs. The transmission spectrum is intermediate between that produced by a periodic finite superlattice and that produced by a disordered one. Moreover the self-similarity of the Pascal´s structure is reflected in a weak similarity in its transmission spectrum.1 Introduction Since the work of Tsu and Esaki [1], the electronic properties of artificially periodic semiconductor structures have been intensively studied, and nowadays they are well understood. These studies have led to many extensively used devices. Besides, the pioneering work of Yablonovitch [2] opened a new area of research, which is the propagation of electromagnetic waves in periodic dielectric media. The interest lies in the development of structures possessing photonic band gaps. A complete photonic gap means the absence of photon propagation modes for a range of frequencies. The studies of photonic band structures have potential applications in optical and electronic devices. On the other hand, random media have also been explored [3,4].Nonperiodic but deterministic media constitute a separate field of research. These quasi-periodic systems, intermediate between a periodic structure and a completely disordered one, have also been studied since the discovery of quasi-crystalline materials by Shechtman and co-workers [5]. There are many studies of propagation of electrons, electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves in quasi-periodic multilayered one-dimensional structures with several profiles like those of Fibonacci, Cantor,. The numerical sequence formed by the quantity of odd numbers in each row of the Pascal's Triangle, has the property of self-similarity. To the best of our knowledge, there are not published studies of propagation of electrons, electromagnetic or acoustic waves in multilayered systems with this sequence. Here we study theoretically the transmission of electrons in a finite superlattice made of the materials AlAs and GaAs, where the width of the barriers is modulated by this quasi-periodic Pascal´s sequence. We use the one band effective mass framework and the transfer matrix technique.