Entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom drives the formation of novel quantum and topological physical states. Discovering new spinorbit entangled ground states and emergent phases of matter requires both experimentally probing the relevant energy scales and applying suitable theoretical models. Here we report resonant inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of the transition metal oxides Ca 3 LiOsO 6 and Ba 2 YOsO 6 . We invoke an intermediate coupling approach that incorporates both spin-orbit coupling and electron-electron interactions on an even footing and reveal the ground state of 5d 3 based compounds, which has remained elusive in previously applied models, is a novel spin-orbit entangled J=3/2 electronic ground state. This work reveals the hidden diversity of spin-orbit controlled ground states in 5d systems and introduces a new arena in the search for spin-orbit controlled phases of matter.
Main Text:The electronic ground state adopted by an ion is a fundamental determinant of manifested physical properties. Recently, the importance of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in creating the electronic ground state in 5d-based compounds has come to the fore and arXiv:1610.02375v1 [cond-mat.str-el] systems, and the influence of SOC has now been observed in the macroscopic properties of numerous systems. However, beyond the J eff = 1/2 case such as that found in Sr 2 IrO 4 (3)-which is a single-hole state that applies only to idealised 5d 5 ions in cubic materialsquestions abound concerning the electronic ground states which govern 5d ion interactions.In this context 5d 3 materials present a particularly intriguing puzzle, because octahedral d 3 configurations are expected to be orbitally-quenched S = 3/2 states -in which case SOC enters only as a 3rd order perturbation (4) -yet there is clear experimental evidence that SOC influences the magnetic properties in 5d 3 transition metal oxides (TMOs). This includes the observations of large, SOC-induced spin-gaps in their magnetic excitation spectra (5-7) and x-ray absorption branching ratios which deviate from BR = I L3 /I L2 = 2 (8, 9).Despite this, no description beyond the S = 3/2 state had been established. synchrotron x-ray and neutron diffraction. Figure 1 presents the x-ray energy loss, E, versus incident energy, E i , RIXS spectra of Ca 3 LiOsO 6 at 300 K. Four lines are present at E < 2 eV, which are enhanced at E i = 10.874 keV, whereas the feature at E ≈ 4.5 eV is enhanced at E i = 10.878 keV. This indicates that the E < 2 eV features are intra-t 2g excitations, whereas the higher energy feature is from t 2g to e g excited states, as has been observed in many 5d oxides (7,(18)(19)(20). Subsequent measurements were optimised to probe the t 2g excitations by fixing E i = 10.874 keV.Figure 2 presents the detailed RIXS spectra of Ca 3 LiOsO 6 and Ba 2 YOsO 6 at temperatures of 300 K and 6 K. In each spectrum there are 5 peaks in addition to the elastic line:four peaks with E < 2 eV, labeled a, b, c and d ( Fig. 2c and d) which we associa...