Radical cations of the 1,2,3-t¡ isomers stabilized in various •-irradiated solute/halocarbon matrices have been investigated by means of ESR in the temperature range 4--77 K. At 4 K the ESR spectra ate dominated by contributions from an asymmetrieally distorted structure with the unpaired electron localized to the C1--C2 bond. On increasing the temperature a reversible change occurs in the ESR line-shape of the cations of the two symmet¡ isomers. Using a two-site jump model to reproduce the temperature dependent line-shape, the phenomenon is explained in temas of an interconversion between two such distorted structures, each being the mirror image of the other. The An'henius plot associated with the process is markedly nonlinear towards the low temperature region. The experimental data are also modelled by postulating that another (different) electronic ground state, having higher symmetry, becomes populated with the increase of temperature. In this way, the speclxal changes can be simulated using a three-site jump model which couple the thermally activated two-site jump process (E, ca. 0.137 kcal/mol) with a dynamical equilibrium between the asyrnmetrical ground state and a symmetricai structure 0.058 kcal/mol higher in energy. The energy barrier to pass from the distorted to the syrnmetrical structure was evaluated to be 0.085 kcal/mol.
IntroductŸThe method to study radical cations of saturated hydrocarbons for the purpose of ESR spectroscopy was introduced with the halocarbon matrix isolation technique in the end of the seventies [1][2][3][4][5]. Cyclic alkanes with degenerate HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) have attracted attention due to the possibility of having Jahn-Teller distorted ground states [6][7][8][9][10][11]. A degenerate HOMO can also be split by introducing substituents, which has encouraged us to investigate a variety of alkyl-substituted cyclohexane cations [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19].