An internal photoemission experiment which yields the energy-dependent momentumand energy-loss rates of hot electrons is designed. The results on solid hydrocarbon films are analyzed in terms of the appropriate Boltzmann equation. Band mobilities are obtained for hot electrons. Their energy-loss rate has a maximum at the LO phonon energy associated with the C-H stretching mode.PACS numbers: 73.60. Hy, 72.20.Jv, 79.60.Eq Thermalized carriers at the bottom of the conduction band in large band-gap insulators can be studied by classical transport experiments (e.g., driftmobility and photocurrent measurements) in macroscopic specimen. Unless the phonons which control hot-electron (E kin » kT) scattering are thermally populated, the extrapolation from E km ~ kT data to hot-electron transport is not possible. As a result, hot-electron scattering in polymeric insulators is only poorly understood, although it plays a crucial role in various areas.Hot-electron processes are particularly important in the field of dielectric breakdown. In good polymeric insulators, intrinsic breakdown is reached at electric fields of the order of 5 MV/cm. 1 For impact ionization across the energy gap (Ej ~ 10 eV), o one is therefore led to mean free paths of -50 A, or to mobilities in the 50 cm 2 /V • s range. This is at odds with drift-mobility experiments which yield /x = 10-4 -10" 11 cmVV-s in poly ethylenes (PE), 2 and even with the highest mobilities of -1 cm 2 /V • s observed in high-quality alkane single crystals. 3 Hot electrons also play an essential role for the injection of space charge into polymeric insulators in regions with a strongly inhomogeneous electric field. 4 As will be shown in a forthcoming publication, 5 the injection of hot-carrier space charge is an essential element in the growth of dielectric discharge trees and in dielectric aging.In order to establish the crucial quantity that describes the transport properties of hot electrons in high electric fields, we consider the energy and momentum conservation for a charged particle of effective mass m*, moving in an insulator under the action of an electric field F: E=-y u (E)E+evF,h=-y p (e)m*v + eF.Here v denotes the velocity of the particle, and we have introduced the energy-and momentum-loss rates y u (E) and y p (E), respectively. Following a procedure developed for the theory of laser breakdown in solids, 6,7 we can then obtain analytical expressions for the average energy (E) and for the multiplication rate f3 of hot electrons. It turns out that both expressions contain as the only nontrivial quantity. Therefore, our aim will be to determine the energy dependence of m*y u y p between /c7and the gap energy. Information about the transport properties of hot electrons can be obtained via photoelectron spectroscopy techniques. A number of substrateoverlayer studies have been made in order to determine the mean free path X of photoelectrons in various materials. This search has resulted in the well-known pseudouniversal curve 8 with a minimum of X ~~ 10 A near E km...