153LiN,, a-, P-NaN, band structure is determined by means of pseudopotential technique on the basis of localized Slater orbitals decomposed along plane waves. The nature of the complex bands and the effect of phase transition on the electron energy spectrum in NaN, are discussed. Density of states data calculated by means of energy band interpolation by Fourier symmetrized series are compared with those on photoelectron spectra of azide salts. The peculiarities of both optical and photoemission NaN, spectra are interpreted in terms of band-band electron transitions. MeTOAOM nCeBAOIIOTeHqAaJIa B 6asuce pa3JIOXeHHbIX IIO IIJIOCKAM BOJIHaM JIOKaJIU30BaHHbIX CJI3fi-TepOBCKAX op6u~aneii npOBeAeH0 BbIYACJIeHUe 30HHOfi CTPYKTYPbI LiN,, CL-, P-NaN,. 06CyXAaeTCX HaTpAX. BbI' IACJIeHHaX IIO MeTony AHTepIIOJIApOBaHAX 3HePTeTASeCKAX 3 0 H CAMMeTPM30BaHHbIMA PXAaMA Qypbe IIJIOTHOCTb COCTOXHAfi CpaBHABaeTCR C AMeIO~AMUCX B JIUTepaType @OT03JIeKTPOH-HbIMU CIIeKTpaMA a3UAHbIX COJIefi. OCO6CHHOCTA OIITAYBCKUX U I$OT03MACCAOHHbIX CIIeKTpOB a3AAa HaTPAX AHTepIIpeTApyIOTCX B TepMUHaX 30Ha-30HHbIX 3JIeKTPOHHbIX IIepeXOnOB. npupona C B X~O K SOH A BnmHue @a30~0ro nepexona Ha 3~e p r e~~~e c~~f i cneKTp ~J I~K T P O H O B B a s u~e ') Krasnaya 6, SU-650 043 Kemerovo, USSR.