31The retrosplenial cortex is reciprocally connected with a majority of structures implicated in 32 spatial cognition and damage to the region itself produces numerous spatial impairments.
33However, in many ways the retrosplenial cortex remains understudied. Here, we sought to 34 characterize spatial correlates of neurons within the region during free exploration in two-35 dimensional environments. We report that a large percentage of retrosplenial cortex neurons 36 have spatial receptive fields that are active when environmental boundaries are positioned at a 37 specific orientation and distance relative to the animal itself. We demonstrate that this vector-38 based location signal is encoded in egocentric coordinates, localized to the dysgranular 39 retrosplenial sub-region, independent of self-motion, and context invariant. Further, we identify a 40 sub-population of neurons with this response property that are synchronized with the 41 hippocampal theta oscillation. Accordingly, the current work identifies a robust egocentric spatial 42 code in retrosplenial cortex that can facilitate spatial coordinate system transformations and 43 support the anchoring, generation, and utilization of allocentric representations. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 108 From a connectivity standpoint, the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is an excellent candidate to 109 examine egocentric representations during navigation. Further, theoretical work has posited that 110 RSC forms a computational hub for supporting coordinate transformations (Byrne et al., 2007;111 Clark et al., 2018; Rounds et al., 2018; Bicankski and Burgess, 2018). RSC is composed of two 112 interconnected sub-regions, dysgranular (dRSC) and granular (gRSC), which have slightly 113 different connectivity with cortical and subcortical regions (Shibata et al., 2009). dRSC (in mice 114 agranular RSC) is positioned along the dorsal surface of the brain and possesses biased 115 interconnectivity with association, sensory, and motor processing regions that code in 116