Fibrous membranes of cellulose acetate (CA), poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) and composite membranes of these polymers, were obtained by the electrospinning method. Using systematic method, the optimal conditions for preparation of fibrous membranes were found. Both CA and PVP a concentration of 8% weight was found. The CA was dissolved in a acetone:-water solution, volume ratio 80 : 20 and the PVP is dissolved in ethanol:water solution, ratio volume 85 : 15. The flow rate for both polymers was 1.5 mL h
À1. The same applied voltage value and the distance between the needle and collection plate were for polymer both, 15 kV and 15 cm respectively. The morphology of fibrous membranes and composite membranes were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The CA fibers showed ribon morphology, while the PVP fibers were cilindric, in both cases with diameters in the micrometer range. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that CA had a complete degradation to 445 C, while the fibrous membranes PVP required a value of temperature for degradation of up to 571 C. Fibrous composite membrane PVP/CA/PVP shows a higher value of strain at break (%), and a lower value of tensile strength (MPa) compared to CA/PVP/CA.