This paper describes a self-propelled Stewart platform. The Stewart platform usually consists of a base platform, a moving platform, and linear actuators connecting the platforms. We use six stacked-type piezoelectric actuators as linear actuators. Mechanical joints connected the linear actuators and both of the platforms. We inserted electromagnets between the linear actuators and the base platform instead of the mechanical joints. This structure enables the Stewart platform to move on a surface by using the principle of inchworm motion. While the electromagnets fix the linear actuators on the base platform, the proposed Stewart platform realizes a precise 6-DOF motion. Control signals are designed for small displacement based on inverse kinematics, and for a wide working area based on the principle of inchworm motion. The position and orientation of the moving platform are measured, and experimental results indicate the feasibility of the proposed mechanism. The mechanism is effective for a precise position system which has unlimited working space. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 181(2): 37-46, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library (