Environmental conservation behaviors are associated with one’s values toward the environment. This study therefore investigated the values related to conservation behavior from the perspective of a religion. In particular, this study aimed to identify how the Islamic values for environmental conservation were integrated in textbooks. Two textbooks comprising a science textbook and an Islamic education textbook for lower secondary school students (14 years old) in Malaysia were selected in this study. From the findings, it is concluded that both textbooks included the application and integration of Islamic values for environmental conservation based on the contents of the sub-chapters, activities, exercises, notes, and photos. Further, the integration of Islamic values for environmental conservation was mentioned most in the sub-chapter section of these two textbooks. However, findings showed that the science textbook contained numerous integrations of Islamic values for environmental conservation compared to the Islamic education textbook. Thus, the implications of the findings point to the need to establish collaboration between science and Islamic education committees in organizing activities based on science and Islam that are related to environmental education in the teaching and learning sessions.