Prokaryotes are the most abundant and diverse life form on planet Earth, estimates of prokaryotic numbers and productivity approach 10 30 year -1 (Whitman et al., 1998). Prokaryotes are responsible for catalyzing important biogeochemical reactions and transformations that sustain the biosphere. Prokaryotes have been evolving for 3 -4 billion years (Ernst, 1983) and during this time, have found ways to occupy every conceivable environment on the planet; including the most inhospitable habitats both nature and man have created.
'Microbial ecology is the study of microbial physiology under the worst possible conditions'T.D. Brock, 1966 Most environmental microbiologists would agree that this popular quote by Thomas Brock straightforwardly applies to the maintenance of microbial diversity and ecosystem functions amidst a complex backdrop of ever changing biological, physical, and chemical conditions in terrestrial and aquatic biomes. But does it stop there, what about the de facto 'worst possible condition?'Many of the environmental challenges outlined in this chapter are not exclusive to the United States but rather affect much of the industrialized world (Pedersen, 1999) because of past military activities and continued expansion of the military -industry complex. While not comprehensive, this chapter is devoted to the scale, scope, and specific issues confronting the cleanup and long-term disposal of the U.S. nuclear legacy generated during WWII and the Cold War Era. Furthermore, microbial interactions and metabolism in, around, and affecting existing and planned geological nuclear waste repositories are serious concerns for safe disposal, future planning, and reliable risk assessment for the environmental and human health.
Nuclear Legacy WasteExtensive volumes and complex mixtures of nuclear waste are a lasting legacy of the Cold War Era. The U.S. began building the first atomic bomb in 1942. These efforts generated more than 36 million cubic meters of long-lived radioactive and toxic waste by the end of the Cold War in 1989. Irradiated fuels and past nuclear processing streams still await treatment and safe disposal in aged storage configurations. Mixtures of metals, radionuclides, hydrocarbons, and ions contaminate soils, sediments, and groundwater across the nuclear -industrial complex. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE hereafter) is responsible for management, disposal, and long-term stewardship of this lasting legacy. Because of the prohibitive cost and inefficiencies of existing chemical and physical remedial strategies to address large volumes of contaminant mixtures, newly advanced technologies are greatly needed for reduction and treatment of nuclear legacy waste. Bioremediation is a potentially powerful and innovative technology for converting toxic pollutants to benign end products with a significant cost savings over conventional approaches. The reality, however, is that bioremediation is complicated by the unpredictability of natural ecosystems, complex interactions between co-contaminants and t...