Characteristic features of soliton-comb structures in optical microresonators are investigated in normal and anomalous dispersion regimes, when the detuning parameter is varied over a broad range of values. The study rests on the assumption that soliton combs are self-organized ensemble of co-propagating coherently entangled states of light, and depending on the group-velocity dispersion they can result from space-division multiplexing of single-bright and singledark solitons. Their analytical and numerical reconstruction schemes are discussed, while a linear-stability analysis leads to a 2 × 2 Lamé eigenvalue problem whose boundstate spectrum is composed of a Goldstone-type translation mode and stable internal modes, as well as unstable decaying modes and growing modes. A power-spectral analysis of the three distinct possible soliton crystals enables us probe their inner structures in the frequency domain, and unveil the existence of structural defects in their power spectra. PACS 42.60.DaRing-shaped microresonators · 42.65.TgOptical Solitons · 42.65.SfDynamics of Nonlinear Optical Systems 1 IntroductionFrequency combs [1] have attracted a great deal of attention in the recent past because of their numerous potential applications in optical metrology [2,3,4], where they introduce the possibility to accurately measure time and frequency using optical comb structures. A frequency comb is an optical device composed of millions of equidistant modes laser that can achieve one octave-spanning spectrum. Thus an