Elliptical solitons in 2D nonlinear Schödinger equations are studied numerically with a more-generalized formulation. New families of solitons, vortices, and soliton rings with elliptical symmetry are found and investigated. With a suitable symmetry-breaking parameter, we show that perturbed elliptical solitons tend to move transversely owing to the existences of dipole excitation modes, which are totally suppressed in circularly symmetric solitons. Furthermore, by numerical evolutions we demonstrate that elliptical vortices and soliton rings collapse into a pair of stripes and clusters, respectively, revealing the experimental observations in the literature. © 2008 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 190.3270, 190.4420, 190. For optical solitons in silica fibers, the modulation instabilities were studied for different radial dimensions of the fiber core [5]. Then, circularly symmetric vortices are investigated by their azimuthal instabilities for both Kerr [6] and saturable nonlinearities [7,8]. In particular, this kind of symmetry-breaking instability turns a circular soliton to collapse and vortices to shrink or become soliton clusters, depending on the vortice power and the saturation power [8]. Elliptical symmetry, in contrast to the degenerated circular one, is more generalized and flexible in the real world, where perfect circular symmetry is rarely achieved. Optical waves within elliptical shapes are obtained in a laser cavity with a special designed cavity [9] that supports exact cavity modes as a InceGaussian mode rather than a typical HermiteGaussian mode. Recently, elliptical solitons are proposed in strong nonlocal media [10,11], a fact that supports similar solutions, such as linear InceGaussian beams [9]. Experimental observations of elliptical solitons are also reported not only in nonconventionally biased photorefractive crystals [12] but also in nonlinear media with thermal-induced nonlocality [13]. Here we further study solitons in Kerr nonlinear media with a more-generalized formulation and analyze the corresponding modulation instabilities for families of elliptical solitons, soliton rings, and vortices. In additional to radial symmetric modes, we show that the dipole excitation mode becomes a dominant component in the elliptical modulation instability spectrum and tends to move elliptical solitons transversely, instead of circularly.Evolution of elliptical shaped soliton-rings and vortices reveals interesting nonlinear dynamics and shows the evidence that elliptical solitary waves play an significant transition between Laguerre and Hermite soliton clusters [14].We consider the propagation of an optical beam in a Kerr nonlinear medium described by the normalized 2D nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) in elliptical coordinates ͑ , , z͒ [9], i ץ⌿ / ץz + 1 / 2 ⌬ Ќ ⌿ + ͉⌿͉ 2 ⌿ = 0, where Ն 0 and ʚ ͓0,2͔ are radial and angular elliptical variables, i.e., ⌬ Ќ = 1 / l 2 ͑cosh 2 ͑͒ − cos 2 ͑͒͒ ͓ ץ 2 / ץ 2 + ץ 2 / ץ 2 ͔, with the slowly varying electric-field envelope function, ⌿ = ...