Current tissue engineering approaches for treatment of injured or diseased articular cartilage use ultraviolet light (UV) for in situ photopolymerization of biomaterials to fill chondral and osteochondral defects as well as resurfacing, stiffening and bonding the extracellular matrix and tissue interfaces. The most commonly used UV light wavelength is UVA 365 nm, the least cytotoxic and deepest penetrating. However, little information is available on the transmission of UVA 365 nm light through the cartilage matrix. In the present study, 365 nm UV light transmission was measured as a function of depth through 100 μm thick slices of healthy articular cartilage removed from mature bovine knees. Transmission properties were measured in normal (Native) cartilage and after swelling equilibration in phosphate-buffered saline (Swollen). Single-factor and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to determine depth-dependencies between the effective attenuation coefficients and proteoglycan, collagen and water contents. For both cartilages, a significant depthdependency was found for the effective attenuation coefficients, being highest at the articular surface (superficial zone) and decreasing with depth. The effective attenuation coefficients for full-thickness cartilages were approximately a third lower than the total attenuation coefficients calculated from the individual slices. Analysis of absorption and scattering effects due to the ECM and chondrocytes found that UV light scatter coefficients were 10 times greater than absorption coefficients. The greater transmittance of UV light through the thicker cartilage was attributed to the collagen within the ECM causing significant backscatter forward reflectance. K E Y W O R D S cartilage, depth-dependent, forward backscatter reflectance, optical properties, ultraviolet light