The object of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of using Time Domain-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) and multivariate statistical analysis techniques to determine the stoechiometry of complexations.This type of reaction is currently characterised by spectral techniques such as Infra-Red [1], Ultra-Violet [13] or NMR spectroscopy [9,11,12]. On the other hand, although variations in the TD-NMR relaxation rates as a function of degree of complexation has been proposed as a method for the determination of proteins [4,20], to to our knowledge this phenomenon has not yet been studied using chemometics. The TD-NMR technique is interesting from many point of view. It is non destructive and does not require the same specificity as U.V (being based on relaxation properties and not on the presence of chromophore groups). Furthermore, it requires a less expensive apparatus than does spectroscopic NMR.In a first step, the analyses are performed on parameters calculated from TD-NMR signals: longitudinal R 1 and transverse R 2 relaxation rates. In a second step, multivariate statistical analyses are applied directly to the TD-NMR signals themselves.To demonstrate the feasibility of using TD-NMR and multivariate statistical analysis in the study of stoechiometry of complexation reactions, we have chosen a very well characterised complex: manganese -EDTA (Ethylene Diamine TetraAcetate). Many studies [2,12,18] have been carried out showing that EDTA and manganese cations form a complex with stoechiometry 1:1.The basis of this study is the specific properties of paramagnetic compounds. Unpaired electrons in the external valence layer of a paramagnetic cation in solution in water create an electronic dipole/nuclear dipole interaction with the water protons. These interactions enhance the nuclear relaxation of the water leading to a significant increase in R 1 and R 2 values of the solution.In this study, aqueous manganate solutions were used. The relaxivity of manganese (capacity to relax the solvent protons) will be different depending on whether the manganese is free and directly solvated by water or complexed by the ligand where the external electrons will be paired to some extent leading to a loss of part of the paramagnetic properties of the manganese cation. Furthermore, the ligands around the cations limit the direct contact with the water molecules. In other words, if the solutions contain free manganate, the R 1 and R 2 values should be very high whereas they will be much lower if the manganese cation is complexed by a ligand.The ligand chosen to complex with manganese is EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid): (HOOCCH 2 ) 2 N-CH 2 -CH 2 -N(CH 2 -COOH) 2 . In fact, this molecule has been studied very often and is known to complex 62 different metal cations with a 1:1 stoechiometry [12,18]. Its dissociation constant with manganese is 10 -13 mol -1 [5].To avoid any possible formation of Mn(OH) 2 , solutions were maintained at constant pH of 4.4 by a buffer solution of potassium hydrogenophthalate/sodium hyd...