In a previous work we have introduced the notion of embedded Q-resolution, which essentially consists in allowing the final ambient space to contain abelian quotient singularities, and A'Campo's formula was calculated in this setting. Here we study the semistable reduction associated with an embedded Q-resolution so as to compute the mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of the Milnor fiber in the isolated case using a generalization of Steenbrink's spectral sequence. Examples of Yomdin-Lê surface singularities are presented as an application.Let us sketch some definitions and properties about V -manifolds, weighted projective spaces, and weighted blow-ups, see [4,15] for a more detailed exposition.Definition 1.1. Let H = {f = 0} ⊂ C n+1 . An embedded Q-resolution of (H, 0) ⊂ (C n+1 , 0) is a proper analytic map π : X → (C n+1 , 0) such that:1. X is a V -manifold with abelian quotient singularities.2. π is an isomorphism over X \ π −1 (Sing(H)).3. π * (H) is a hypersurface with Q-normal crossings on X.To deal with these resolutions, some notation needs to be introduced. Let G := µ d 0 × · · · × µ dr be an arbitrary finite abelian group written as a product of finite cyclic groups, that is, µ d i is the cyclic group of d i -th roots of unity. Consider a matrix of weight vectors A := (a ij ) i,j = [a 0 | · · · | a n ] ∈ M at((r + 1) × (n + 1), Z)