During an infection, parasites face a succession of challenges, each decisive for disease outcome. The diversity of challenges requires a series of parasite adaptations to successfully multiply and transmit from host to host. Thus, the pathogen genotypes that succeed during one step might be counterselected in later stages of the infection. Using the bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophila and adult Drosophila melanogaster flies as hosts, we showed that such step-specific adaptations, here linked to GASP (i.e., growth advantage in stationary phase) mutations in the X. nematophila master gene regulator lrp, exist and can trade off with each other. We found that nonsense lrp mutations had lowered the ability to resist the host immune response, while all classes of mutations in lrp were associated with a decrease in the ability to proliferate during early infection. We demonstrate that reduced proliferation of X. nematophila best explains diminished virulence in this infection model. Finally, decreased proliferation during the first step of infection is accompanied by improved proliferation during late infection, suggesting a trade-off between the adaptations to each step. Step-specific adaptations could play a crucial role in the chronic phase of infections in any disease organisms that show similar small colony variants (SCVs) to X. nematophila.
IMPORTANCE Within-host evolution has been described in many bacterial diseases, and the genetic basis behind the adaptations has stimulated a lot of interest. Yet, the studied adaptations are generally focused on antibiotic resistance and rarely on the adaptation to the environment given by the host, and the potential trade-offs hindering adaptations to each step of the infection are rarely considered. Those trade-offs are key to understanding intrahost evolution and thus the dynamics of the infection. However, understanding these trade-offs supposes a detailed study of host-pathogen interactions at each step of the infection process, with an adapted methodology for each step. Using Drosophila melanogaster as the host and the bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophila, we investigated the bacterial adaptations resulting from GASP mutations known to induce the small colony variant (SCV) phenotype positively selected within the host over the course of an infection, as well as the trade-off between step-specific adaptations.