The concept of dimensionality is fundamental in physics, chemistry, materials science, etc. Low-dimensional and layered materials are distinguished by their unique physical properties and applications. Concurrently, low-dimensional reactants, products, and reaction spaces extend the toolbox of materials science considerably. Here, the concept of dimensionality is adapted to solid-state reactions by counting the basic axes along which the unit cell undergoes significant expansion/shrinking. For illustration, 1D synthesis of layered ternary compounds MA 2 X 2 via derivatives of 2D-Xenes, silicene, and germanene, is demonstrated, and the reaction mechanism and the role of templates are determined. The approach is then extended to 1D synthesis of non-layered compounds. The 1D nature of the reactions, established with structural studies, is explored by nanoscale confinement. The mutual orientation of the reaction and confinement-parallel (thus preventing the lattice expansion) or orthogonal-controls the reaction pathways and outcome. The work provides a proof-of-concept for anisotropic reactivity caused by directional confinement.