Natural populations can contain multiple types of coexisting individuals. How does natural selection maintain such diversity within and across populations? A popular theoretical basis for the maintenance of diversity is cyclic dominance, illustrated by the rock-paper-scissor game. However, it appears difficult to find cyclic dominance in nature. Why is this case? Focusing on continuously produced novel mutations, we theoretically addressed the rareness of cyclic dominance. We developed a model of an evolving population and studied the formation of cyclic dominance. Our results showed that the chance for cyclic dominance to emerge is lower when the newly introduced type is similar to existing types, whereas the introduction of an unrelated type improves these chances.This suggests that cyclic dominance is more likely to evolve through the assembly of unrelated types whereas it rarely evolves within a community of similar types. * U. stansburiana and D. melanogaster, whereas common resource competition induces cyclic dominance between species.However, traditional theoretical work assumes a set of predefined cyclic dominance types without asking how they developed or came together. In ecosystems, the introduction of a new species through migration can lead to such cyclic dominance. However, immigrating species can also disturb and destroy cyclic dominance. In evolving populations, new types can arise through mutation and recombination. In the same manner, mutation and recombination can lead to the formation of cyclic dominance but can also lead to types that do not fit into such types of dominance and break the cycle. A recent experimental study [27] indicated that in the assembly of microbial ecosystems found in one grain, only 3 of almost 1000 triplets exhibited cyclic dominance, whereas more than 500 exhibited non-cyclic dominance triplets. Other soil bacterial species [28,29] also displayed a lack of cyclic dominance.This rareness is present in both soil bacteria and plant systems [24]. Why is it so difficult for cyclic dominance to assemble or evolve? In this study, we ask the following question theoretically: How frequent is cyclic dominance in situations in which new types constantly arise, providing an opportunity for new cycles but also breaking old cycles at the same time?Forming a cyclic dominance from a single type is challenging because any pair has a dominance relationship. Once a new mutant emerges in a homogeneous population, one of the types quickly vanishes because of the dominance. Therefore, a third type must arise before the population loses either of the two previous types. Such a precise timing of the arrival of a new type is critical for developing cyclic dominance and it can occur when new types arise at a high frequency, either through high mutation rates, recombination, or immigration [30,31]. This rapid evolution can be achieved through both high mutation rates per capita and large population sizes [30][31][32][33][34]. Thus, we considered a model in which the popu...