We present results of 23 Na and 19 F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on NaCaCo2F7, a frustrated pyrochlore magnet with a Curie-Weiss temperature, ΘCW ≈ −140 K, and intrinsic bond disorder. Below 3.6 K both the 23 Na and 19 F spectra broaden substantially in comparison to higher temperatures accompanied by a considerable reduction (80 %) of the NMR signal intensity: This proves a broad quasi-static field distribution. The 19 F spin-lattice relaxation rate 19 (1/T1) exhibits a peak at 2.9 K already starting to develop below 10 K. We attribute the spin freezing to the presence of bond disorder. This is corroborated by large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of a classical bond-disordered XY model on the pyrochlore lattice. The low freezing temperature, together with the very short magnetic correlation length not captured by the simulations, suggesting that quantum effects play a decisive role in NaCaCo2F7.PACS numbers: 75.10. Nr, 75.40.Gb, The pyrochlore lattice is one of the canonical lattices exhibiting geometric frustration. Pyrochlore oxides with the general formula R 2 T 2 O 7 (R = rare earth ion, T = Ti, Sn, Mo, Ir etc.) are characterized by strong frustration of the rare-earth magnetic moments and have been found to display a variety of fascinating low-temperature phases, including classical and quantum spin-ice regimes, quantum order-by-disorder, and exotic spin liquids [1][2][3].NaCaCo 2 F 7 is a recently synthesized A 2 B 2 X 7 -type pyrochlore [4]. Here, the B site hosts high-spin Co 2+ in CoF 6 octahedra, whereas the A site contains a random distribution of Na and Ca ions, giving rise to exchange (bond) disorder for the magnetic degrees of freedom. Bond disorder can lift degeneracies and lead to new unconventional ground states, both long-range ordered [5,6] and glassy [7][8][9][10].The uniform susceptibility of NaCaCo 2 F 7 displays a Curie-Weiss law with a characteristic temperature Θ CW ≈ −140 K and a moment of 6.1 µ B per Co, the latter suggesting an orbital contribution in addition to the S = 3/2 state of Co 2+ . Despite the Θ CW ≈ −140 K, the material does not display a long-range-ordered magnetic state down to temperatures of 0.6 K [4]. Instead, ac and dc susceptibility data indicate a spin freezing at T f ≈ 2.4 K [4], yielding a frustration index of f = Θ CW /T f ≈ 56. The observed entropy loss at the freezing transition is low, suggesting that magnetic entropy remains present at least down to 0.6 K. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) results [11] for NaCaCo 2 F 7 show diffuse elastic scattering below 2.4 K. The momentum-space structure of the spin correlations below 2.5 meV has been interpreted in terms of XY-like antiferromagnetic clusters, indicating a local easy-plane anisotropy at low energies, whereas a signal corresponding to collinear correlations was found above this energy. The XY character together with the short detected correlation length of 16Å [11] appears to be at odds with the theoretical suggestion [6] that bond disorder in an XY pyrochlore magnet induces long-range m...