When a single cell senses a chemical gradient and chemotaxes, stochastic receptor-ligand binding can be a fundamental limit to the cell's accuracy. For clusters of cells responding to gradients, however, there is a critical difference: even genetically identical cells have differing responses to chemical signals. With theory and simulation, we show collective chemotaxis is limited by cell-to-cell variation in signaling. We find that when different cells cooperate the resulting bias can be much larger than the effects of ligand-receptor binding. Specifically, when a strongly-responding cell is at one end of a cell cluster, cluster motion is biased toward that cell. These errors are mitigated if clusters average measurements over times long enough for cells to rearrange. In consequence, fluid clusters are better able to sense gradients: we derive a link between cluster accuracy, cellto-cell variation, and the cluster rheology. Because of this connection, increasing the noisiness of individual cell motion can actually increase the collective accuracy of a cluster by improving fluidity.Many cells follow signal gradients to survive or perform their functions, including white blood cells finding a wound, cells crossing a developing embryo, and cancerous cells migrating from tumors. Chemotaxis, sensing and responding to chemical gradients, is crucial in all of these examples [1,2]. Chemotaxis is traditionally studied by exposing single cells to gradients -but cells often travel in groups, not singly [3,4]. Collective cell migration is essential to development and metastasis [5], and can have remarkable effects on chemotaxis. Even when single cells cannot sense a gradient, a cluster of cells may cooperate to sense it. While collective chemotaxis is our primary focus, this "emergent" gradient sensing is found in response to many signals, including soluble chemical gradients (chemotaxis) [6][7][8], conditioned substrates (haptotaxis) [9], substrate stiffness gradients (durotaxis) [10] and electrical potential (galvanotaxis) [11,12].Cells can cooperate to sense gradients -but the physical principles limiting a cluster's sensing accuracy are not settled. For single cells, the fundamental bounds on sensing chemical concentrations and gradients are well-studied [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22], showing unavoidable stochasticity in receptor-ligand binding limits chemotactic accuracy. Is this true for cell clusters? Is a cell cluster simply equivalent to a larger cell? No! There is an essential difference between many clustered cells and a single large cell: even clonal populations of cells can have highly variable responses to signals, due to many factors, including intrinsic variations in regulatory protein concentrations [23][24][25]. These cell-to-cell variations (CCV) can be persistent over timescales much larger than the typical motility timescale of the cell [25]. CCV has not been addressed in models of collective chemotaxis and it is not clear whether collective gradient sensing is limited by CCV or by stochasti...