This research aimed to explore the feasibility of using forearm electromyography (EMG) data for identifying different hand gestures. The study involved 10 participants (7 males and 3 females) who performed eight different hand gestures while their flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscles were recorded. The recorded data was split into 80% for training and 20% for testing. The study compared the effectiveness of Deep Neural Network and Random Forest algorithms based on five different levels of moving window sizes (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 milliseconds). A wavelet approach was used to reconstruct the data and remove noise that does not represent the EMG signals accurately. Eighteen features were then extracted from the time and frequency domains of the analysis to characterize the complex signals. The study found that larger moving window sizes had higher accuracy rates than small moving window sizes due to the larger temporal resolution it provides. The Deep Neural Network showed a higher performance with a 1000millisecond stream, achieving an accuracy rate of 97.13%, while the Random Forest algorithm achieved the highest accuracy rate of 96.65% with the same stream duration. In conclusion, the study found that a Deep Neural Network based on a 1000millisecond stream was the most accurate, with an accuracy rate of 97.13%, while a Random Forest based on a 200millisecond stream was the most efficient, with an accuracy rate of 84.77%. Future research could expand the sample size, include more hand gestures, and use different feature extraction methods and modeling algorithms to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of the system.