Models of the mammalian masticatory apparatus predict that bite force is affected by both the degree of mouth opening (gape angle) and the location along the tooth row at which force is transferred (bite point). Theoretical analyses of gape angle and empirical studies of muscle function suggest that there is a trade-off between mechanical advantage and gape (Herring and Herring, 1974;Lindauer et al., 1993;Turkawski and van Eijden, 2001). For generalized mammals, larger gape angles require muscles to stretch and are predicted to negatively impact the geometry of their mechanical advantage. Among more specialized taxa, alterations in the geometry of muscle insertions and internal architecture over evolutionary time have resulted in species that can produce high bite forces at high gape angles (carnivores) and other species that are wellsuited to producing high bite forces at low gape angles (herbivores). With respect to bite point, models of the lower jaw as a simple class III lever or beam (e.g. Hylander, 1975;Radinsky, 1981;Weishampel, 1993) and constrained lever models that focus on protecting the temporomandibular joint from tensile loading (e.g. Greaves, 1978;Spencer, 1999) predict that bite forces increase at progressively posterior bite points. Constrained lever models further predict that bite forces level off and may decline posterior to an optimal bite point located at or near the first molar.Despite the widespread use of these models and predictions in discussions of mammalian feeding (e.g. Carraway et al., 1996;Dumont, 1997;Emerson and Radinsky, 1980;Freeman, 1981;Kiltie, 1982;Perez-Barberia and Gordon, 1999;Reduker, 1983;Sicuro and Oliveira, 2002;Stafford and Szalay, 2000), there are surprisingly few experimental data documenting bite force in non-human mammals. Data summarizing maximum bite forces elicited using electrical stimulation are available for macaques, opossums, and rats (Dechow and Carlson, 1983;Robins, 1977;Thomason et al., 1989). Natural, non-stimulated bite forces have been recorded at single (or combined) bite points in possums, hyenas, ferrets and bats (Aguirre et al., 2002;Binder and Van Valkenburgh, 2000;Dessem and Druzinsky, 1992;Thomason et al., 1989). Variation in non-stimulated bite force has been reported only for galagos and macaques (Hylander, 1977(Hylander, , 1979, in which there is a positive relationship between bite force and increasingly posterior bite point.Humans are the only mammals in which the combined effects of gape and bite point on non-stimulated bite force production have been studied in any detail. Even so, the integrated effects of bite point and gape angle on force production remain unclear (Spencer, 1999). Among experiments in which gape and bite point are altered Models of mammalian mastication predict that bite force is affected by both the degree of mouth opening (gape angle) and the point along the tooth row at which force is transferred to a food item (bite point). Despite the widespread use of these models in comparative analyses, experimental data do...