The reaction mechanism by which Aldehyde Fuchsin selectively stains pancreatic B-cell granules is unknown. The participation of either insulin or proinsulin in the reaction is debatable; the stain may be bound by other components of the B-cell granule or its membrane. Sections of pancreas were stained with a variety of basic stains and specific histochemical reagents with and without appropriate blocking agents. No evidence for strong tissue anions associated with the B-cell granule could be found. Aldehyde Fuchsin staining was not abolished by lowering the pH below the point at which all known tissue anions should be protonated. There was no evidence that the Aldehyde Fuchsin staining solution itself generates reactive groups in the tissue. The results of this investigation support a non-ionic, possibly covalent mechanism for Aldehyde Fuchsin staining of pancreatic B-cell granules.