“…Although SCN − is not as toxic as CN − , it is known to be harmful to humans and aquatic organisms (Boening & Chew, ; Erdogan, ; Shifrin, Beck, Gauthier, Chapnick, & Goodman, ), requiring the use of chemical or biological methods for its removal. The use of microbes for biological remediation of SCN − from contaminated wastewater has been successful at both the laboratory scale (Boucabeille, Bories, Ollivier, & Michel, ; du Plessis, Barnard, Muhlbauer, & Naldrett, ; van Zyl, Harrison, & van Hille, ; van Zyl, Huddy, Harrison, & van Hille, ) and in commercial operations (van Buuren, Makhotla, & Olivier, ). Engineers have developed and commercialized a SCN − biodegradation process known as Activated Sludge Tailings Effluent Remediation (ASTER ™ ) that involves continuous feeding of SCN − ‐containing solutions into aerated bioreactors to promote microbial degradation (van Buuren et al., ).…”