“…Finally, the instruc tor is respon si ble for pre par ing, in advance, course mate rial such as the syl la bus, an announcement page, course con tent, group activ i ties, dis cus sion questions, and activ i ties, all of which involve dif fer ent types of input com pared with the tra di tional, face-to-face class. Karuppan and Karuppan (1999) sug gested that the design of asyn chron ous learn ing net works involve the fol low ing phases: "(1) cre at ing a Web page includ ing syl labi, lec ture notes, read ing mate ri als, and assign ments; (2) devel op ing com puter conferencing facil i ties, includ ing dis cus sion groups, and a help desk; (3) link ing conferencing and Web page assign ments; (4) test ing the mate ri als and devel op ing course man age ment tools; and (5) eval u at ing, both for ma tive and summative" (p. 38).…”