The aim of this study was to test whether Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics (EBC) develop in Brazilian university students as described by McClelland. Methodological procedures tested McClelland's (1963;1987) perspective with a sample of university students, also emphasizing the dimensions leading to sustainable businesses. Data collection was performed using a closed questionnaire with fifty-five questions using the Likert scale, applied manually for five years, at the beginning of seven different semesters. The questionnaire was answered by a sample of 238 university students from bachelor's degrees at a Brazilian public university. Data analysis was based on exploratory factor analysis using the main component method and Varimax rotation and confirmatory factor analysis. It has been pointed out that the 10 dimensions of the EBCs are a single factor which also poses methodological challenges as a tendency of homogenization observed in the respondents, which, in itself, can be challenging for the entrepreneurship strategies expected of universities in the future.Other research findings discussed here [2-4] point out that those students who were enrolled in entrepreneurship courses intend to develop an entrepreneurship project in the next three years.The aim of this study was to test whether Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics (EBC) develop in Brazilian university students as described by McClelland, answering the following question: do EBC develop in Brazilian university students as in McClelland's studies?The interest in this study emerges from the fact that entrepreneurship, as is well known, promotes the development of cities, regions, and countries. Moreover, as entrepreneurship is so important, not promoting it seems to penalize society, especially at the moment when university students choose the area they wish to be involved in in the future, as is the case in higher education.We also emphasize that three additional reasons make it important to study the subject of entrepreneurship in an academic environment. The first concerns the need to develop more effective curricula. The second reason is related to the possibility of opening a line of research in the vast universe of Brazilian universities in order to be able to compare the entrepreneurial characteristics of the students observed with those of students in other countries and with other samples. Finally, we emphasize that this focus also calls for the validation of procedures for analyzing entrepreneurial characteristics by the detail of latent dimensions in order to validate or refute canonical studies such as that by McClelland [5]. McClelland's [5] study is one of the most well-known and complex ever conducted in regard to human motivation in the sphere of entrepreneurship. He sought to establish a relationship between the need to achieve and the economic development of certain societies by applying the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and problem-solving tests [6].This study will, thus, test the theory of McClelland [5] in a sam...