1,3,4-Oxadiazoles are ac ommon motif in pharmaceuticalc hemistry,b ut few convenient methods for their modification exist. Af ast, convenient, high yielding and general a-substitution of 1,3,4-oxadiazolesh as been developed using am etalation-electrophilict rapping protocol both in batch and under continuousf low conditions in contradiction to previous reports which suggest that a-metalation of this ring system results in ring fragmentation. In batch, lithiation is accomplished at an industrially convenientt emperature, À30 8C, with subsequentt rapping giving isolated yields of up to 91 %. Under continuousf low conditions, metalationi s carriedo ut at room temperature, and subsequent in flow electrophilic trapping gave up to quantitativei solated yields. Notably,l ithiation in batch at room temperature results only in ring fragmentation and we propose that the superior mixingi nf low allows interception and exploitation of an unstablei ntermediate before decomposition can occur.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.