Exploration of novel, three-dimensional chemical space is of growing interesti nt he drug discoveryc ommunity and with this comest he challenge for synthetic chemists to devisen ew stereoselective methods to introduce chirality in ar apid and efficient manner.T his Minireview provides a timely summary of the development of palladium-catalyzed asymmetric redox-relay Heck-type processes. These reactions represent an important class of transformation for the selective introduction of remote stereocenters, and have risen to prominence overt he past decade. Within this Minireview, the vast scope of theset ransformationsw ill be showcased, alongside applications to pharmaceutically relevant chiral buildingb locks and drug substances.T oc omplementt his overview,amechanistic summary and discussion of the current limitations of the transformation are presented, followed by an outlook on future areas of investigation. Scheme1.Scopeo fr edox-relay Heck-type transformations coveredi nthis Minireview.