Proteases play an important role in the pathogenic mechanisms and differentiation events of protozoan parasites; the proteasome/ubiquitin system is essential for maintaining the differentiation state of many cell types. A single input of the specific inhibitor of proteasomes, lactacystin, prevented encystation of the protozoan parasite Entameoba invadens, whereas a cysteine protease inhibitor, E64, only delayed encystation. The ameba target of lactacystin was purified and it displayed the features typical of eukaryotic 20S proteasome complexes. In addition, transcripts encoding ubiquitin were detectable in trophozoites stage cells, disappeared immediately following transfer of amoebae to encystation induction medium, and reappeared at the same time during encystation as other encystation-specific transcripts. These results demonstrate that proteasome function is required during the conversion of the disease-causing trophozoite into the infectious cyst stage of Entamoeba parasites, and that ubiquitin transcript levels undergo an unusual decrease during the early stages of this differentiation process.Keywords: encystation; Entamoeba; proteasomes; ubiquitin.Parasitic protozoans undergo multiple differentiation events to accommodate the various hosts and physical environments that they encounter in their life cycles. The protozoans of the genus Entamoeba, which parasitize vertebrate enteric systems, have two stages in their life cycle: the disease-causing amoeboid trophozoite stage that resides within the host intestine, and the infectious cyst stage that can survive in an aqueous extraintestinal setting. After cysts are ingested and pass through the host stomach, metacystic trophozoites emerge (excyst) in the small intestine and make their way to the colon where they multiply asexually and have the potential to cause disease. In response to stimuli which have not been identified, some of the trophozoites stop dividing and encyst. This second differentiation process involves organelle rearrangement [1], novel gene expression and protein synthesis [2,3], the formation of an external chitinaceous cell wall [4], and ultimately results in the creation of the infectious form of the parasite [5]. Entamoeba invadens, a parasite of reptiles, will undergo this process in vitro in response to carbon source deprivation [6] or osmotic shock [7], and is used as a model of the human parasite, E. histolytica, which does not efficiently encyst under similar axenic culture conditions.The bulk of the turnover of intracellular proteins in eukaryotic cells is carried out by two self-contained proteolytic systems, the lysosomes and proteasomes. Most proteins to be degraded by the proteasome/ubiquitin system are covalently conjugated to ubiquitin and then unfolded and threaded into the proteasomes where they are broken down by the three types of proteolytic activities expressed by the b-subunits of the multisubunit 20S proteasome complex [8,9]. This protein degradation system is a major control point for regulating, among other things, ...