DOI: 10.1177/0269216316679929
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‘End of life could be on any ward really’: A qualitative study of hospital volunteers’ end-of-life care training needs and learning preferences

Abstract: Background:Over half of all deaths in Europe occur in hospital, a location associated with many complaints. Initiatives to improve inpatient end-of-life care are therefore a priority. In England, over 78,000 volunteers provide a potentially cost-effective resource to hospitals. Many work with people who are dying and their families, yet little is known about their training in end-of-life care.Aims:To explore hospital volunteers’ end-of-life care training needs and learning preferences, and the acceptability of… Show more

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Cited by 25 publications
(37 citation statements)
References 44 publications
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“…Volunteers were primarily female and aged above 40 years. The overall mean age of volunteers, as reported in three studies, 30,33,38 was 52 years, with combined age range as reported across four studies 30,31,33,38 of 15-82 years. Other studies reported volunteers' age as 45 years and above, 37 or with more than one-third (36.6%) aged between 41-64 years.…”
Section: Characteristics Of Volunteersmentioning
confidence: 93%
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“…Volunteers were primarily female and aged above 40 years. The overall mean age of volunteers, as reported in three studies, 30,33,38 was 52 years, with combined age range as reported across four studies 30,31,33,38 of 15-82 years. Other studies reported volunteers' age as 45 years and above, 37 or with more than one-third (36.6%) aged between 41-64 years.…”
Section: Characteristics Of Volunteersmentioning
confidence: 93%
“…Five studies describe palliative care volunteer services in dedicated palliative care wards or beds within hospitals, 30,32,37,38,43 and nine report volunteer roles/services provided across multiple wards of hospitals. 29,31,[33][34][35][36]39,41,42 Eight studies report data collected from palliative care volunteers, [29][30][31]33,35,37,38,42 one reports data collected from health professionals, 43 two studies report service-level data from the one study 39,41 and three report data from multiple sources, including volunteers, health professionals, patients, family and service-level data. 32,34,36 When combined, these studies provide data from 422 volunteers, 468 health professionals, 220 patients and 4 family members.…”
Section: Characteristics Of Included Studiesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mean age 64, 76% female, 100% White Four themes of ethical issues: 1) dilemmas about gifts, 2) patient care and family concerns, 3) issues related to volunteer roles and boundaries, and 4) suicide/hastening death. 60% 2 Brighton et al, UK, 2017 [ 20 ] To explore hospital volunteers’ end-of-life care training needs and learning preferences, and the acceptability of training evaluation methods Thematic analysis of focus groups 25 hospital volunteers with at least 3 months experience. Mean age 50 (range 19–80 years), 76% female, highly ethnically diverse sample Four themes emerged: 1) preparation for volunteering role; 2) end-of-life care training needs, including a) communication skills, b) understanding grief and bereavement, c) understanding spiritual diversity, d) understanding symptoms at end-of-life, and e) volunteers’ self-care; 3) learning preferences, including a) teaching methods, b) teachers, c) optional vs mandatory training, d) consolidating learning; and 4) evaluation preferences.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…“It does affect you at times when you know someone, you may be seeing them… [and] during two or three weeks you get to know them, and then they are gone” [ 20 ].…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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