Hormone concentrations in the serum and seminal plasma of 15 normozoospermic, 17 excretory azoospermic and 14 secretory azoospermic men were measured. The results indicate that: (a) serum FSH and LH levels are markedly elevated in secretory azoospermia, as compared with excretory azoospermia and normozoospermia; (b) serum 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels are somewhat raised in secretory azoospermia as compared with excretory azoospermia and normozoospermia; (c) serum testosterone levels are lower in both types of azoospermia with respect to normozoospermia; (d) in secretory azoospermia the oestradiol serum levels are relatively high and dihydrotestosterone serum levels relatively low, whereas the serum levels of these hormones in excretory azoospermia are similar to those in normozoospermic men; (e) in the seminal plasma of azoospermic patients the levels of prolactin, progesterone, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol were depressed, but only dihydrotestosterone levels could be of value in differentiating types of azoospermia because they are lower in secretory azoospermia. We suggest that the measurement of FSH, LH, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol in serum and dihydrotestosterone in seminal plasma may be used in the differential diagnosis between secretory and excretory azoospermia when invasive tests are unavailable.