Spherical electron-dense organelles in the perinuclear region of cultured guinea pig aortic smooth muscle cells were identified as lysosomes by their ability to accumulate acridine orange and by cytochemical demonstration of their acid phosphatase content. The number and size of lysosomes increased in subcultured cells. The elemental composition of the lysosomes was quantitated by electron probe analysis of whole freeze-dried cells and of cryosections. In lysosomes at this stage in their development, the sulfur concentration was higher than that in the cytoplasm and the K/Na concentration ratio was similar to that in the cytoplasm.In a recent study of the elemental composition of cultured aortic smooth muscle cells, we observed numerous electron-dense spherical organelles (dark bodies) concentrated in the perinuclear region. Fowler et al. (1) had previously reported a substantial increase in the number of lysosomes in subcultured vascular smooth muscle cells; therefore, we suspected that the dark bodies were of lysosomal origin. Because the composition of lysosomes in situ has not been previously quantitated, we present here the results of electron probe analysis of the elemental composition of dark bodies in intact cells and in cryosections of the cells. The identity of the dark bodies (lysosomes) was established by their uptake of acridine orange (2) and their cytochemically demonstrable reaction product for acid phosphatase, a lysosomal enzyme (3).
METHODSCulturing and Freezing of Cells. Smooth muscle cells from guinea pig aortic medial explants were cultured on stainless steel grids attached to Falcon culture dishes by a sheet of Formvar. Cells were serially passaged by trypsinization (0.25% wt/vol) in Ca-and Mg-free basic salt solution (GIBCO) or single cells were separated with collagenase and elastase as described by Ives et al. (4). The culture medium was prepared from minimal essential medium (GIBCO) with 2.25 g of NaHCO3 per liter of medium, 2mM glutamine, 106 units of penicillin, 250 ,g of Fungizone, 105 ,ug of streptomycin, and 1 mg of ascorbic acid per liter and 10% (vol/vol) fetal calf serum; it was equilibrated in a moist atmosphere of air mixed with CO2 to adjust the pH to approximately 7.4. For electron probe analysis (see below) of whole cells, the grids were removed before the cells became confluent and were attached to stainless steel wire handles twisted into clips. The cells were oxygenated at 37°C in a beaker of culture medium for 30 min. Each grid was plunged intoThe publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in