In this work, a combined HPLC-ELISA technique was used to associate in vitro rooting capacity of tree peony microcuttings with contents of cytokinin and auxin ; the cytokinin mainly detected corresponded to the N 6 -benzyladenine which had been added to the multiplication medium . Rooting capacity of explants was favoured by a preliminary accumulation of endogenous IAA only when levels of the BA absorbed from the multiplication medium had decreased . Main shoots coming from a 5-weeks subculture fulfilled these hormonal conditions and were the best microcuttings for rooting (87% rooting) . Main shoots coming from shorter cycles or axillary shoots coming from a 5-weeks cycle always contained high benzyladenine levels and had a low rooting capacity (25-55% rooting) . Root induction was associated with an early peak of indole-3-acetic acid followed by a 10-fold lower peak of endogenous ribofuranosyl-isopentenyladenine . Only a low and transitory accumulation of isopentenyladenine occurred during root development, and this could explain the lack of shoot development . Root development was efficient, especially in a medium containing activated charcoal, which led to an almost 3-fold decrease of IAA contents in roots .Abbreviations : AC = activated charcoal ; BA = N6 -benzyladenine ; ELISA = enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ; HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography ; IAA = indole-3-acetic acid ; IBA = indole-3-butyric acid ; iP = N6 -(62-isopentenyl)adenine; RDM = root development medium ; RIM = root induction medium ; 9RIP = 9-,0-d-ribofuranosyl-iP ; 9RZ = 9-a-d ribofuranosyl-zeatin ; Z = zeatin .