Introduction The role of endoscopes in the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) field has been described since the 1980s; It started with endoscopic nasal surgeries, followed by otological and laryngological procedures, and, since then, it has experienced a rapid evolution. Endoscopes help otologists understand how to approach difficult areas of middle ear, as well as the physiology of middle ear cleft.
Objectives Despite the introduction of endoscopes in the field of otology, microscopes are still widely used in clinics and in operation theaters either alone or with endoscopes. The present study, which was conducted amongst otologists in India, is on their experience with and knowledge of the use of the endoscope compared to microscopes.
Materials and Methods A Google form-based questionnaire comprising 18 questions was developed and sent online to otologist all over the country. The final dataset included responses from 354 active otologists.
Results Out of 354 participants, only 3% had more than 5 years of experience in endoscopic ear surgery (EES), and 16.1% had never worked with an endoscope. Endoscopes were used in clinics and in operation theaters by 74.9% of the participants.
Conclusion There has been a rise in the acceptance and use of endoscopes among Indian otologists and otology surgeons in last few decades.