The cyclic (C
) light harvesting 2 (LH2 or
B800−850) complexes of Rps. acidophila (strain 10 050)
and Rb.
sphaeroides, isolated under identical conditions, are
compared using the title spectroscopies. Thermal
broadening and shifting data for the B850 absorption band reveal a
structural change near 150 K for both
species in the glycerol:water solvent used. The linear regions of
thermal broadening above and below this
temperature are shown to be consistent with dephasing via
phonon-assisted relaxation between the B850
ring's exciton levels, which contribute to the B850 absorption band.
The theoretical model used predicts, for
both species, that the nearest neighbor coupling(s) between
bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) molecules of
B850 ring is (are) significantly stronger, ca. 35%, for the
low-temperature structures. Moreover, the linear
thermal broadening rates of Rb. sphaeroides are
significantly lower than those of Rps. acidophila for
the low- and high-temperature regions. Analysis of the difference
in rates with the above model indicates
that the nearest neighbor BChl a−BChl a
coupling(s) is ca. 20% weaker for Rb. sphaeroides at
all temperatures.
The observation that the thermal shift rate for the B850 band of
Rb. sphaeroides is 2.2 times smaller than that
of Rps. acidophila is consistent with this weaker coupling.
Pressure shift data for the B800 band indicate
that the compressibility (κ) for Rb. sphaeroides is
significantly larger than for Rps. acidophila,
that the weaker excitonic coupling between B850 molecules of Rb.
sphaeroides stems, at least in part, from
looser packing of its α,β-polypeptide pairs. A higher κ
value for Rb. sphaeroides provides an
for the observation that the linear rates for pressure broadening and
shifting of the B850 band for the two
species are similar. Although the pressure- and
temperature-dependent data for the B800 band of both
are consistent with weak excitonic coupling between nearest neighbor
B800 molecules, the data for the B850
band (including pressure shifting of zero-phonon holes burned into the
lowest exciton level of the B850 ring
(B870)) require interpretation in terms of strong coupling.
Although large, the pressure-shift rate for B870
holes burned on the high-energy side of the B870 band (−0.46
cm-1/MPa) is a factor of 1.3 lower than
the low-energy side. An interpretation for this variation in terms
of energy disorder is given. Zero-phonon
hole action spectra (4.2 K) for the B870 exciton level are presented
that yield similar inhomogeneous widths
for the B870 band of both species, ∼120
cm-1. For both species the apparent
displacement of this band
below the maximum of the B850 band is close to 200
cm-1. A theoretical discussion of the
between the apparent displacement and excitonic level structure in the
absence of energy disorder is given in
the accompanying paper.