The fractional pyrolysis of Bright tobacco was performed in nitrogen atmosphere over the temperature range of 240 – 510 °C in a specially constructed, high temperature flow reactor system. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to analyze the free radicals in the initially produced total particular matter (TPM) and in TPM after exposure to ambient air (aging). Different filters have been used to collect TPM from tobacco smoke: cellulosic, cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate, nylon, Teflon and Cambridge. The collection of the primary radicals (measured immediately after collection of TPM on filters), the formation and stabilization of the secondary radicals (defined as radicals formed during aging of TPM samples on the filters) depend significantly on the material of the filter. A mechanistic explanation about different binding capability of the filters decreasing in the order: cellulosic < cellulose nitrate < cellulose acetate < nylon ~ teflon is presented. Different properties were observed for the Cambridge filter. Specific care must be taken using the filters for identification of radicals from tobacco smoke to avoid artifacts in each case.