The work address the indoor air quality monitoring enabling to monitor the well-being and comfort of occupants. A monitoring system is able to measure room temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, CO2, luminosity, and dust pollution using chip sensors. The measurement devices are connected wirelessly via ZigBee 3.0 technology enabling mesh network topology and the measured data is collected into a database. The data will be then processed and presented using a cloud application enabling advanced control and alarm management, when a value exceeds the health limits. The measurement system comprises of measurement devices and a gateway. The measurement device is designed as a sandwich architecture comprising sensor and communication module. The created sensor module is interfaced with Adafruit Feather interface in order to use any available Adafruit SoC kit as the communication module. The conducted results also suggest that ESP32-H2, which is now in pre-production phase, operates as ZigBee 3.0 SoC in an embedded device.