The relationship between changes in H+ flux and sugar transport in maize Zea mays L. DEA root tips have been investigated using two methods for controlling the cellular nucleotide level: (a) incubation in the presence of a glucose analog, the 2-deoxyglucose, which decreased the ATP level to less than 15% of its initial value within 60 minutes without changing the ADP (15) show that ADP and AMP, which increase under anoxia, are competitive inhibitors of plasmalemma ATPase. These findings suggest that factors other than ATP are implicated in the regulation of membrane potential under anoxic conditions. It is well established that sugar or amino acid transport in plant cells is driven by pmf' and that ATP fuels this electrogenic process (1,6,20,27), but it is difficult to find concurrent in vivo data on cellular free energy change, pmf generation, and substrate transport. Furthermore, the concept that ATP is the only fuel of these processes has been questioned by several reports on the possible involvement of another H+ secreting system linked to a redox chain with NAD(P)H as electron donor and stimulated by ferricyanide (4, 16, 21). Thus, the aim of the study reported here was to examine changes in energy charge, pmf, and substrate transport in a single experimental system.In this paper, the H+ extrusion and sugar transport in maize root tips have been investigated using dGlc and PO2 for controlling the cellular nucleotide level and FC for modulating the activity of the H+-pump.
MATERIALS AND METHODS ChemicalsAll the unlabeled chemicals were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. and were of the highest available purity. D-(U-14C)glucose (11 GBq/mmol) was from Commissariat a l'EnergieAtomique, France; D_(U-_4C)-fructose (11 GBq/ mmol) was from Radiochemical Center, Amersham, England; 3-O-methyl-D-(U-'4C)glucose (1 1.7 GBq/mmol); and 2-deoxy-D-(1-_4C)glucose (2.15 GBq/mmol) were from New England Nuclear.
Plant MaterialMaize seeds (Zea mays L. DEA, Pioneer) were germinated in the dark at 250 C on wet filter paper. At 3 d after imbibition, 3 mm primary root tips (2.2 mg fresh weight each) were excised and incubated for 4 h at 25°C in a mineral solution (22), aerated by air bubbling, and buffered by 5 mM MOPS adjusted to pH 6.2 by KOH. In some experiments, the young 3 d seedlings were previously acclimated to anoxia with 18 h incubation period in hypoxia (2-4 kPa 02) as described (24).
Transport StudiesRoot tips were placed in groups of 20 in disposable syringes (5 mL) containing 1.9 mL ofthe above medium. The syringes