DOI: 10.2298/tsci120417147l
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Energy efficiency of industrially made buildings influenced by thermal properties of façades

Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the thermal properties of existing residential buildings built in industrial manner in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 1960 to 1990 based on building typology. Each of three analyzed building types has its characteristic façade, with thermal performances divided into periods according to the development of domestic thermal protection building codes. The necessary layer of subsequent insulation is determined by calculations in order to comply with European standards, also … Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 4 publications
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“…Having selected different building models from Ankara in Climate Region III of Turkey for their study, the results reveal that in terms of energy and economic efficiency, smart glazing units and LECLR2 5 should be preferred in Ankara, with cold climate, for long-term investments, as opposed to CLR 6 (the existing glazing unit). Laban and Folić (2014) evaluates the thermal properties of existing residential buildings, built in industrial manner in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 1960 to 1990 taking into account the building typology. Based on the most common energy rehabilitation measures applied in Serbia, the estimates indicate that it is possible to reduce the energy losses in heating up to 60% by installing windows of class A 7 energy efficiency in combination with the required extra thermal insulation.…”
Section: Review Of Studies On Architectural Designs Vis-à-vis Energy Efficiencymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Having selected different building models from Ankara in Climate Region III of Turkey for their study, the results reveal that in terms of energy and economic efficiency, smart glazing units and LECLR2 5 should be preferred in Ankara, with cold climate, for long-term investments, as opposed to CLR 6 (the existing glazing unit). Laban and Folić (2014) evaluates the thermal properties of existing residential buildings, built in industrial manner in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 1960 to 1990 taking into account the building typology. Based on the most common energy rehabilitation measures applied in Serbia, the estimates indicate that it is possible to reduce the energy losses in heating up to 60% by installing windows of class A 7 energy efficiency in combination with the required extra thermal insulation.…”
Section: Review Of Studies On Architectural Designs Vis-à-vis Energy Efficiencymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The main objective of the study presented in [6] was to evaluate the thermal properties of existing residential buildings built in industrial manner in city of Novi Sad, Serbia, from 1960 to 1990, based on building typology. Three building types were subject of analysis, each of them with characteristic façade, with thermal performances divided into periods according to the development of domestic thermal protection building codes.…”
Section: --------------mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Istovremeno, ugradnja dodatnog sloja termoizolacije na spoljni zid je i integrativni čini-lac obnove i unapređenja performansi kvaliteta i bezbednosti zgrade i njenih korisnika. Prethodnim istraživanjima [3] o mogućnostima unapređenja energetske efikasnosti u zgradarstvu ustanovljene su potrebe za energetskom rehabilitacijom fasada, što može da smanji gubitke grejne energije i do 60%, kao i potrebe za unapređenjem stambenog komfora, ali i bezbednosti zgrada od požara. U našoj zemlji je u toku intenzivna harmonizacija tehničkih propisa sa legislativom EU, pa je i u oblastima planiranja i izgradnje objekata i zaštite od požara došlo do značajnih izmena [4,5].…”
Section: Uvodunclassified
“…Industrijski način izgradnje stanova je bio preovlađujući metod za rešavanje potrebe za intenzivnom izgradnjom stambenog fonda u evropskim zemljama u drugoj polovini XX veka. Istraživanjem termičkih karakteristika fasadnih zidova montažnih i polumontažnih zgrada izgrađenih u Novom Sadu [3] utvrđeno je da se periodizacijom može proceniti vrednost koeficijenta prolaza toplote »U«, fasadnih zidova višespratnih stambenih. Utvrđeno je da postoji više varijanti višeslojnih zidova i da su vrednosti u skladu sa aktuelnim propisima u vreme projektovanja objekata, što ne zadovoljava aktuelne zahteve [10].…”
Section: Bezbednost Stambenih Zgrada Od Požaraunclassified