Abstract. In this paper, we present a highly-optimized implementation of standards-compliant Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for wireless sensor nodes and similar devices featuring an 8-bit AVR processor. The field arithmetic is written in Assembly language and optimized for the 192-bit NIST-specified prime p = 2 192 − 2 64 − 1, while the group arithmetic (i.e. point addition and doubling) is programmed in ANSI C. One of our contributions is a novel lazy doubling method for multi-precision squaring which provides better performance than any of the previouslyproposed squaring techniques. Based on our highly optimized arithmetic library for the 192-bit NIST prime, we achieve record-setting execution times for scalar multiplication (with both fixed and arbitrary points) as well as multiple scalar multiplication. Experimental results, obtained on an AVR ATmega128 processor, show that the two scalar multiplications of ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange can be executed in 1.75 s altogether (at a clock frequency of 7.37 MHz) and consume an energy of some 42 mJ. The generation and verification of an ECDSA signature requires roughly 1.91 s and costs 46 mJ at the same clock frequency. Our results significantly improve the state-of-the-art in ECDH and ECDSA computation on the P-192 curve, outperforming the previous best implementations in the literature by a factor of 1.35 and 2.33, respectively. We also protected the field arithmetic and algorithms for scalar multiplication against side-channel attacks, especially Simple Power Analysis (SPA).