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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)Annual Report 2. REPORT TYPE 1 MAR 2009 -28 FEB 2010 (From -To)
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, MD 21702-5012.
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unlimited
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESA prostate cancer (PCa) research program has been established at Meharry Medical College. There is substantial urology, oncology, epidemiology, nutrition and other expertise at Meharry and Vanderbilt addressing issues of PCa disparities, and 4 program investigators have maintained partnerships with VU mentors, and established viable community network ties. Dr. Stewart and Dr. Ogunkua continue to develop their research laboratories with great success. They have independent funding and their laboratory continues to grow to include both graduate and undergraduate mentees. They are actively involved in the Meharry Prostate Cancer Group. Dr. Derrick Beech, Dr. Hargreaves, and Dr. Patel collaborate with Dr. Ukoli to run two PCa education programs in Nashville (CMS funded) and Memphis (R03). Ukoli's lycopene pilot study has completed recruitment of study participants from the Nigerian site, controls from Nashville, and has extended collaborative ties with Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center to access potential PCa to meet the recruitment goal, at which time additional samples will be shipped for lycopene analysis. Program funding will end without the benefit of renewal as the Department of Defense no longer provides funding under this mechanism.
ABSTRACTProstate cancer, Dietary risk factors, Lycopene, Genetic predisposition, African-Americans, Cancer research training, Quality of life, Community outreach, Recruiting study participants, Cell line inhibition, Animal studies, Prostate cancer screening. The re ason for A frican-Americans ( AA) be ing di sproportionately af fected by pr ostate cancer ...