wide relevance of peptide adsorption in natural and synthetic
contexts means it has attracted much attention. Molecular dynamics
(MD) simulation has been widely used in these endeavors. Much of this
has focused on single peptides due to the computational effort required
to capture the rare events that characterize their adsorption. This
focus is, however, of limited practical relevance as in reality, most
systems of interest operate in the nondilute regime where peptides
will interact with other adsorbed peptides. As an alternative to MD
simulation, we have used energy landscape mapping (ELM) to investigate
two met-enkephalin molecules adsorbed at a gas/graphite interface.
Major conformations of the adsorbed peptides and the connecting transition
states are elucidated along with the associated energy barriers and
rates of exchange. The last of these makes clear that MD simulations
are currently of limited use in probing the co-adsorption of two peptides,
let alone more. The constant volume heat capacity as a function of
temperature is also presented. Overall, this study represents a significant
step toward characterizing peptide adsorption beyond the dilute limit.