“…To test the sensitivity of AG to the initial guess (B = 72), for 2-angle brain, we ran AG with 16 randomlychosen initial angular set S0, that is, (1,2), (18,55), (55,56), (9,42), (4,7), (2,15), (25,56), (16,30), (44,55), (38,39), (70,71), (9,44), (5,18), (33,71), (14,28), and (6,66), and these all converged to (13,58), that is, (60 • ,285 • ), which is the same as the result with B = 24; for 3-angle lung, we ran AG with 16 randomly-chosen S0, that is, (1,25,49), (2,31,41), (3,21,51), (7,17,66), (7,19,29) (7,32,72), (9,…”