With each CMOS technology generation, leakage energy consumption has been dramatically increasing and hence, managing leakage power consumption of large last-level caches (LLCs) has become a critical issue in modern processor design. In this paper, we present EnCache, a novel software-based technique which uses dynamic pro¯ling-based cache recon¯guration for saving cache leakage energy. EnCache uses a simple hardware component called pro¯ling cache, which dynamically predicts energy e±ciency of an application for 32 possible cache con¯gurations. Using these estimates, system software recon¯gures the cache to the most energy e±cient con¯guration. EnCache uses dynamic cache recon¯guration and hence, it does not require o®line pro¯ling or tuning the parameter for each application. Furthermore, EnCache optimizes directly for the overall memory subsystem (LLC and main memory) energy e±ciency instead of the LLC energy e±ciency alone. The experiments performed with an Â86-64 simulator and workloads from SPEC2006 suite con¯rm that EnCache provides larger energy saving than a conventional energy saving scheme. For single core and dual-core system con¯gurations, the average savings in memory subsystem energy over a shared baseline con¯guration are 30.0% and 27.3%, respectively