During the performance period, six students received their PhD degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with ONR support, and their initial and current positions are provided in Section IV. Twenty-one papers were published, including ten in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America and six in IEEE publications, and their references are listed in Section V. Thirty-six professional presentations were made, including thirty-two at national or international meetings, and their titles and venues are given in Section VI. Some research results and figures from the performance period are highlighted in Sections II and III.
II. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS A. Propagation Model Development and Applications• Layered elastic sediments are important in shallow water and must be accurately handled as the basis for extensions to more complicated bottoms that include range dependence, poro-elasticity, and other physical mechanisms. Our parabolic equation formulation [1] resolved this task by using new choices of dependent variables, along with the same efficient and reliable numerical schemes as for fluid bottom models. The formulation accommodates all physical conditions at layer interfaces and avoids stability difficulties that arise in other approaches. Figure 1 illustrates results from our implementation. Comparing the upper and middle contour plots, we conclude that significant transmission level differences can occur in the ocean as a result of the elastic bottom waveguide. The lower contour plot demonstrates that this method, unlike other parabolic equations, can treat seismic sources.